US CMA course potential: Deep dive into IMA’s 2023 Global salary survey | Uplift Professionals

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About CMA course and US CMA salary
Deep dive in to CMA Course and US CMA salary

Are you a finance professional looking forward to accelerate your career with a global qualification? If yes, start thinking about US CMA course. The latest Global Salary Survey 2021, from IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) revealed that a median salary of a US CMA/CMA professional is above 58% higher than non-CMAs. The study was based on a sample population of 3,085 respondents from 79 countries across the globe.  It was found that the difference in total compensation between CMAs and non-CMAs worldwide is nearly US$29,000; a strong reason why a US CMA course is a career changing qualification.

Figure 1: Median salary & Total compensation by region, CMA VS. Non-CMA

source: IMA 2021 global salary survey

CMA least affected by COVID-19

The survey results on the impact of COVID-19 showed that US CMA /CMAs were less impacted in their jobs than compared to non-CMAs. Further, only 9% of CMA professional is likely to change a job than a non-CMA, which stands at 21%.

CMA Certification

It was clear from the survey results that a professional with CMA certification offer several benefits beyond higher salary and compensation. Holding a qualification like US CMA course  sends a positive signal to the recruiters and employers that the person has strong skill sets to help the growth of company. Some of the key results of survey are –

1. 79%  of people said that CMA certification including US CMA course helped in career advancement

2. Among the US CMA/CMA holders, higher percentage of them are directors (73%), CFOs (72%), and finance managers (66%)

3. 93% of all CMAs opinioned that they would recommend about the CMA course  to a friend

“We have always known the CMA certification has a positive impact on compensation and job security. This year is especially encouraging as CMA holders have been generally better off in maintaining both their jobs and compensation levels during the pandemic than those without the CMA. said by Kip Krumwiede, Ph.D., CMA, CSCA, CPA, Director of research at IMA.

Uplift Pro is one the best US CMA course provider in India
Uplift Pro is one the best US CMA course provider in India, Africa and Middle East

Figure 2:  Benefits of CMA certification (in percentages)

Source: IMA 2021 Global Salary Survey

Choose the best US CMA institute in India, Africa, and Middle East – Uplift Pro

Uplift Pro is one of the top training institutes for the US CPA, US CMA course, US CIA courses in India, Africa, and Middle East. Uplift Pro is also an Indian partner of GLEIM, US and an IMA US authorized CMA US study center. Our team consists of seasoned professionals and entrepreneurs from IIEST, IITs, London Business School, and ULCA who have decided to provide a strong backup to young ambitious students and professionals to reach their desired career destinations in an organized way.

Some of our exclusive features include –

1. Discount of INR 52,000 in Uplift-IMA fees in April 2021

2. Live online classes ensuring that the regular office working hours is least impacted

3. 1:1 personal support from our 30 plus years of experienced US CMA certified faculties

4. “Till you pass” guarantee assuring that you may attend our live online classes at no extra cost until you pass

Request for Live Demo class / contact at +91-8787088850 to book your seats now.



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