New-Age Accountant Evolution

Evolution of the New Age Accountant

Since inception, the accounting career and profession encompasses significant evolution in principle and practices. The decade old manual bookkeeping systems to maintain financial records sometimes with handwritten ledgers and hefty paper works has been partially replaced by use of computers and software like QuickBooks to some extent. This resulted in a generation of stereotyped but […]


FMAA – The New ‘Paradigm Shifter’ in Accounting and Finance

FMAA (Financial and Managerial Accounting Associate) is the new entrant from the portfolio of Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) that was introduced recently and is being considered as a path breaking foundational certification course for accounting and finance professionals. Acquiring the FMAA certification will help the professional, particularly at the entry level to make them […]

Accounting Career

Accounting Career: The Non-Orthodox Channels

When we talk about an accountant, we think about some office goers either in public or private settings who jumble with various numericals to prepare financial documents. But is it true that an accountant is meant for some repetitive stereotyped job? Probably not nowadays. In today’s world, options are available through which an accountant can […]