
CPA Evolution-The Forthcoming changes in Examination and Licensing Pattern | Uplift Professionals

The CPA credential is considered the coveted highest order of professional accounting skill globally. To make it more future relevant, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has jointly initiated a make over process on the exam and licensing pattern involving CPA exam and […]

Cloud Computing in Accounting System | Uplift Professionals

In cloud computing, all application functions are performed off-site, not on the user’s desktop. In cloud computing, users access software applications remotely through the Internet or other network via a cloud application service provider. Using cloud accounting software frees the business from having to install and maintain software on individual desktop computers. Cloud accounting solutions […]

Pursuing US CMA with Academic Studies | Uplift Professionals

  It is understandably hard for a student (without real working experience) to be sure which career path to take. They might be very interested in a subject but then when it comes to work, it could be a completely different experience. Not everyone has to have it all figured out or know exactly what […]