
Why CMA US and ACCA UK are the Best Professional Courses to Pursue alongside B.Com/M.Com?

Pursuing professional courses like CMA (Certified Management Accountant) from the US and ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) from the UK alongside graduation offers several advantages:


  1. Specialized Skill Set: CMA focuses on management accounting and financial management, equipping students with in-depth knowledge of financial planning, analysis, control, and decision support.
  2. Global Recognition: The CMA designation is recognized worldwide, providing opportunities in multinational corporations and various industries.
  3. Enhanced Job Prospects: The specialized skills and knowledge gained through the CMA program are highly sought after, enhancing employability and career advancement opportunities.
  4. Practical Knowledge: The CMA curriculum includes practical applications and real-world scenarios, which complement academic learning and provide a competitive edge in the job market.
  5. Higher Earning Potential: CMAs often command higher salaries due to their expertise in management accounting and financial management.


  1. Comprehensive Curriculum: ACCA covers a broad range of topics including financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, law, and audit, providing a well-rounded knowledge base.
  2. Global Recognition: ACCA is one of the most widely recognized accounting qualifications, with a strong presence in over 180 countries.
  3. Flexibility: The ACCA qualification allows for a flexible study schedule, which can be tailored to fit around academic commitments and work experience.
  4. Diverse Career Opportunities: ACCA members can pursue careers in various fields such as auditing, taxation, consulting, financial management, and more.
  5. Professional Network: ACCA provides access to a global network of professionals, offering valuable networking opportunities and career support.

Benefits of Pursuing These Courses Alongside Graduation

  1. Early Career Start: Students can enter the job market with professional qualifications already in hand, giving them a head start over peers.
  2. Enhanced Academic Learning: The practical knowledge and skills gained from CMA and ACCA complement academic studies, leading to a deeper understanding of accounting and finance concepts.
  3. Time Efficiency: By completing professional qualifications alongside their degree, students can save time and enter the workforce fully qualified sooner.
  4. Competitive Edge: Holding a professional qualification in addition to a degree makes candidates more competitive in the job market.
  5. Integrated Learning: The synergy between academic coursework and professional training can lead to better performance in both areas.

Overall, pursuing CMA or ACCA alongside graduation/ PG offers a strategic advantage by enhancing knowledge, skills, and employability, positioning students for successful and lucrative careers in finance and accounting.

Uplift Professionals, being an authorised learning center for both CMA US and ACCA UK provides extensive training and study support to UG and PG students who want to build internationally rewarding careers in Finance and Accounting. For more check www.upliftprofessionals.in

Additionally, we invite you to explore our other blogs covering various topics related to the CMA & ACCA:


Why Should You Pursue CMA US Simultaneously with Your B.Com Course?

How CMA US Can Uplift Your Accounting Career?

Navigating the Eligibility Criteria for the CMA US Exam: What You Need to Know

The Ultimate Guide to Certified Management Accountant (CMA US) Registration: Steps and Tips

US CMA Exam Dates 2024

Balancing Work, Life and US CMA Exam Preparation: Practical Advice

The Future of Management Accounting: How the US CMA Credential is Evolving

Women in Management Accounting: Breaking the Glass Ceiling with US CMA


How ACCA can Uplift Your Accounting Career?

ACCA – All you want to know about the Course, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exemptions and Salary

9 Advantages of pursuing ACCA