Increasing Productivity Through Healthy Competitions – The UPLIFT Way


The intrateam competition is a two edged sword having two facets. In one hand, it can induce individual motivation to unravel level based performances. On the contrary, it can trigger strife and dissent among the team members. Particularly, the later can disrupt the dynamicity of the team through self interest.

Let us discuss the collective ways by which a leader can motivate the team members to boost the overall productivity surpassing the negative circumstances.

1) Encouraging collective importance: Every member should be concerned with the positive outcome of the team rather than individual contributions for every action based performances. In this regard, it has to be kept in mind, that whatever benefit is about to come should be bestowed as a whole on the basis of mutual understanding.

2)Attainment of personal target: Being a leader, based on the strength weakness analysis, you should assign tasks to the team members so that they can flourish both in personal and professional arenas in an amicable work environment. Identification of right skill in the concerned person is a key issue for encouragement towards a healthy competition.

3)Giving importance to everyone: In any organisation, there are coexistence of outstanding, mediocre and low performers. A competition should not create mental disparity among ordinary performers towards the higher skilled one. Hence, it is wiser to encourage the underperformers too for gaining their support for the performers in terms of mutual benefit.

4)Delivering productive feedback: A feedback can be both positive and negative. From an employer’s standpoint, while giving feedback is a basic responsibility, a negative feedback can breach the self esteem of an employee, a positive feedback can also appear damaging if given in wrong undeserved manner. Henceforth, it is obvious to maintain an equilibrium in feedback system. One of the approach is to drop-ship negative feedbacks in a positive package as a constructive criticism.

5) Rewards and recognition: Felicitation of team members in every possible situation can elevate their confidence level, they would be much happier and will be more akin to take further challenges. Any token of appreciation in the form of bonus, incentives, internal certification, greetings can trigger the “feel good hormone” dopamine in the hypothalamas of the brain that has a positive impact on the performance level.

6) Self competition: Generating competition against inner self is a crucial factor for self improvement which throws new challenges to outperform and raise the bar within. This has positive outcome towards productivity through desirable healthy competitions. 

So knowing your people and preventing their work related boredom has immense value to increase the overall productivity and create a win-win situation for all. A true leader does that.

Have you ever encountered these situations in your working group? Do you want to increase your productivity through healthy competitions? 

Try these tips upto any extent possible.

Uplift the professional in you.


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Job Scope of US CMAs in India and Middle East | Uplift Professionals

Job Scope of US CMAs in India and Middle East  - Uplift PRO - Best US CMA course training institute in India

The main reason why people go for professional courses is to get a good job in a reputed company within the country, to get promotion in the present company, to grab an international project or to relocate to a preferred country and get a job over there.

This means a professional certification should be able to make a total career enhancement in a person’s life. The US CMA is one such life-changing certification.

There is a common question among Indian/ Asian students and professionals that how US CMA, being a US certification, will help them get a job within India?

This question naturally comes into the mind of those who are not that aware of the corporate history of the country ever since the waves of globalization swept off the Asian countries.

Statistics say, in the last one decade 99% of the MNCs and large companies started operating in India and Middle East are US based, i.e, they have either originated in the US or a subsidiary of a US parent co or raise funds in the US market, listed in the US stock exchange.

All these companies and Big 4s need to comply with the Securities Exchange Commission. All SEC complying companies require US CMA in their internal accounting, financial analysis, making price decisions, costing, budgeting and other roles.

US CMAs are recruited in different positions like Financial Analysts, Accountants till the CFO role in companies like Amazon, L&T, 3M, Alcoa, AT&T, Bank of America, Boeing, Cargill, Caterpillar, ConAgra, Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, KeyCorp, Whirlpool, Saudi Aramco, Verizon and Xerox etc in this part of the globe.

The demand is still higher than the supply. To meet their internal needs some companies are sponsoring their employees to avail and write the CMA exams.

The certification signifies that the person possesses knowledge in the areas of financial planning, financial reporting, analysis, control, decision support, and professional ethics, the skills most in demand on finance teams around the world.

Hence a person having a US CMA qualification is considered as a professional expert in management accounting and gets recognition and respect across the globe.

Choose the best US CMA institute in India, Africa, and Middle East – Uplift Pro

Uplift Pro is one of the top training institutes for the US CPA, US CMA, US CIA courses in India, Africa, and Middle East. Uplift Pro is also an Indian partner of GLEIM, US and an IMA US authorized CMA US study center.

Our team consists of seasoned professionals and entrepreneurs from IIEST, IITs, London Business School, and ULCA who have decided to provide a strong back to young ambitious students and professionals to reach their desired career destinations in an organized way.

Some of our exclusive features include

A. Authorized partner of IMA US CMA course in India

Uplift Pro- Authorized partner of IMA US CMA in India

B. Live online classes ensuring that the regular office working hours is least impacted

C. 1:1 personal support from our 30 plus years of experienced CMA certified faculties

D. Affordable US CMA course fees with special discount in your IMA fees. 

E. “Till you pass” guarantee assuring that you may attend our live online classes at no extra cost until you pass

F. Comprehensive coverage of US CMA course details including authorized GLEIM CMA study materials , class mock session,  IMA registration and job assistance.

US CMA course student - Uplift PRO - Best US CMA course training institute in India

Request for Live Demo class / contact at +91-8787088850 to book your seats now.